In Tarzan and the Lost Empire, Ralph Waldo Trine, renowned for his philosophical works, takes a thrilling departure from his customary themes and transports readers to a mesmerizing world of adventure and mystery. The narrative of this story unfurls amidst a backdrop of untamed wilderness and ancient civilizations, where the iconic character of Tarzan resurfaces, as enigmatic and enthralling as ever. Departing from his familiar jungle abode, Tarzan embarks on an audacious quest, driven by an insatiable curiosity and a relentless desire to uncover the secrets of a lost empire. Trine masterfully weaves together a tapestry of vivid descriptions, transporting readers to uncharted territories where mythical creatures, treacherous landscapes, and forgotten civilizations coalesce in a spellbinding symphony. While the novel brims with heart-pounding escapades, Trine seamlessly infuses his philosophical prowess, subtly exploring profound themes of self-discovery, the pursuit of knowledge, and the untapped potential of the human spirit. In this extraordinary blend of adventure and introspection, Tarzan's journey becomes a metaphorical exploration of the boundaries of human existence and the remarkable depths that lie within.
Binding Type: Paperback
Publisher: Double 9 Books
Published: 07/01/2023
ISBN: 9789359394404
Pages: 116
Weight: 0.34lbs
Size: 8.50h x 5.50w x 0.28d