Based on a little-known tale from Abraham Lincoln's childhood, this charming picture book written by debut author Shari Swanson and illustrated by acclaimed artist Chuck Groenink tells a classic story of a boy, his dog, and a daring rescue. This nonfiction picture book is an excellent choice to share during homeschooling, in particular for children ages 4 to 6. It's a fun way to learn to read and as a supplement for activity books for children.
Deeply researched and charmingly told, this is the true story of one extra-special childhood rescue--a dog named Honey.
Long before Abraham Lincoln led the nation or signed the Emancipation Proclamation, he was just a barefoot kid running around Knob Creek, Kentucky, setting animals free from traps and snatching frogs out of the jaws of snakes.
One day, young Abe found a stray dog with a broken leg and named him Honey. He had no idea that the scruffy pup would find his way into Abe's heart, become his best friend, and--one fateful day--save his life.
--Dena at Batch of Books
Binding Type: Hardcover
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Published: 01/14/2020
ISBN: 9780062699008
Pages: 40
Weight: 0.90lbs
Size: 11.00h x 9.30w x 0.30d
Review Citations: Kirkus Reviews 10/15/2019
Booklist 11/15/2019 pg. 43
School Library Journal 12/01/2019 pg. 100
Accelerated Reader Quiz #/Name: 506655 / Honey: The Dog Who Saved Abe Lincoln
Reading Level: 3.8 /
Interest Level: Lower Grade /
Point Value: 0.5