Hitler's Niece tells the story of the intense and disturbing relationship between Adolf Hitler and the daughter of his only half-sister, Angela, a drama that evolves against the backdrop of Hitler's rise to prominence and power from particularly inauspicious beginnings. The story follows Geli from her birth in Linz, Austria, through the years in Berchtesgaden and Munich, to her tragic death in 1932 in Hitler's apartment in Munich. Through the eyes of a favorite niece who has been all but lost to history, we see the frightening rise in prestige and political power of a vain, vulgar, sinister man who thrived on cruelty and hate and would stop at nothing to keep the horror of his inner life hidden from the world.
Binding Type: Paperback
Publisher: Harper Perennial
Published: 08/22/2000
ISBN: 9780060932206
Pages: 320
Weight: 0.52lbs
Size: 7.97h x 5.26w x 0.71d
Review Citations: Entertainment Weekly 10/13/2000 pg. 73
Christian Century 08/12/2008 pg. 24