Howchi Kilburn
Howchi Kilburn is a long-term practitioner of meditation, Tai-Chi, yoga, psychotherapy, immersion in nature, and playing with his grandkids. A Northern California denizen, inspired by the non-fiction writings of Marija Gimbutas, The Living Goddess, and Riane Eisler, Sacred Pleasure, he has been writing stories based on their descriptions of human life in ancient times. He is the author of Monking Around and Another Butterfly.
Another Butterfly
Atmosphere Press, 2022
A World Without Books was created to help writers connect with readers during the pandemic. This Micro-Podcast provides authors a platform to share stories about writing, discuss current projects, and consider life without books. Listen on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you podcast.
Past Forward is a public podcast service and book initiative. As a nonprofit organization, our creative media is designed to amplify the voices of community leaders by providing a platform to share stories about civic engagement and cultural enrichment. For further learning, our Re-Mind initiative focuses on educational accessibility. We collaborate with experts and curate book collections inspired by topics from our podcast. This program creates a path for curiosity and provides access to millions of books at a discount price.
Past Forward is a public service dedicated to educational accessibility.
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