No-nonsense, wryly self-deprecating, and totally persuasive, You're Old, I'm Old...Get Used to It unabashedly exalts the virtues of aging. Virginia Ironside wants you to know that getting old is a good thing-and not in that dreadful "sixty is the new forty" way. At sixty-five, she has no interest in pretending to be young and neither should you. Virginia celebrates all the "issues" that she and her fellow oldies embrace, including:
- Talking about ailments (and the fabulous meds that come with them)
- Grandchildren (the reward you get for not killing your children)
- Wisdom (random disorganized knowledge you get to put a fancy label on because you're old)
Binding Type: Paperback
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Published: 01/18/2012
ISBN: 9780452297432
Pages: 224
Weight: 0.35lbs
Size: 8.00h x 5.30w x 0.60d