Can Detective Conan crack the case...while trapped in a kid's body?
When ace high school detective Jimmy Kudo is fed a mysterious substance by a pair of nefarious men in black--poof He is physically transformed into a first grader. Until Jimmy can find a cure for his miniature malady, he takes on the pseudonym Conan Edogawa and continues to solve all the cases that come his way.
Chasing a stray cat, the Junior Detective League stumbles upon a chilling crime. Before they know it, they're trapped in a refrigerated truck with a corpse, and Conan has to figure out how to escape before they become kid-sicles
Then a cooking show heats up when one of the judges is found dead in the secret ingredient, proving that revenge isn't always a dish best served cold. And Conan suspects a suicide case is really murder...but the chief suspect is Officer Yumi's ex-boyfriend
Binding Type: Paperback
Publisher: Viz Media
Published: 10/12/2021
ISBN: 9781974721153
Pages: 192