Artistry and super-heroics collide as a colorful new superhero finds her place in the world. Animation superstars Jennifer Muro and Thomas Krajewski introduce us to a brand-new superhero with a colorful array of superpowers Thirteen-year-old Ashley Rayburn is an upbeat girl with a decidedly downbeat past. With a criminal father in prison, Ashley has bounced from foster home to foster home with trouble always finding her along the way. Finally settling in with loving and supportive foster parents, Ashley's world is turned upside down again when she stumbles upon a set of body paints that grant the wearer a multitude of superpowers. But the government agency that made those paints wants them back, and now she has to make hard choices to protect her new family while overcoming the shadows of the past.
Binding Type: Paperback
Publisher: DC Comics
Published: 06/23/2020
ISBN: 9781401296575
Pages: 160
Weight: 0.55lbs
Size: 7.90h x 5.40w x 0.50d