Nestled between a bluff and the Mississippi River, Fort Madison is a quaint town that has thrived over the last two centuries. Known for its castle-like penitentiary, former Sheaffer Pen Company, and the largest double-deck swing-span bridge in the world, Fort Madison, Iowa, has a long and varied history from its beginnings as a military fort and trading post that grew into a turn-of-the-century town. Its rail system played a part in the westward expansion of the United States. Dana Bushong Jewelers, Faeth's Cigar Store, and Dodd Printing and Stationery are still in operation today as century-old family businesses. Fort Madison has continued to develop in the 21st century with the reinstated Historic Santa Fe Train Depot and revitalization of the Fort Madison Marina on the Mississippi River shoreline. This book offers insight into the courageous men and women who formed the town as well as their homes, places of business, and their forms of entertainment. A quintessential small town, Fort Madison promises a beautiful view and unique perspective.
Author Krys Plate and amateur photographer Kathy Burkhardt, both residents of Fort Madison, are members of the North Lee County Historical Society and are avid volunteers in the community. Most of the images in this book come from the collections of the North Lee County Historical Society.
Binding Type: Paperback
Publisher: Arcadia Publishing (SC)
Published: 03/04/2025
ISBN: 9781467161848
Pages: 128