

How + Why

Dan Reckard

Dan Reckard talks about music and his band Bossa Zuzu. Producer: Jon-Barrett IngelsHost: Jon-Barrett IngelsGuest: Dan Reckard

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Tomas Moniz

Tomas Moniz is the author of Bellies and Buffalos. Producer: Jon-Barrett IngelsHost: Jon-Barrett IngelsGuest: Tomas Moniz

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Lilliam Rivera

Lilliam Rivera is editor of Bellies and Buffalos and Harlem's Awakening. Producer: Jon-Barrett IngelsHost: Jon-Barrett IngelsGuest: Lilliam Rivera

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Richard Gaffin

Richard Gaffin is the author of Oneironautics. Producer: Jon-Barrett IngelsHost: Jon-Barrett IngelsGuest: Richard Gaffin

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Kimberly Sadler

Kimberly Sadler is the editor of Another Name for Autumn and The Frontman. Producer: Jon-Barrett IngelsHost: Jon-Barrett IngelsGuest: Kimberly Sadler

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Matthew Woodson

Matthew Woodson is the artist of the Matthew Woodson Collection (Oneironautics, The Big Drop: Impermanence, and Sci-Fidelity). Producer: Jon-Barrett IngelsHost: Jon-Barrett IngelsGuest: Matthew Woodson

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